I had no idea when The Lord dropped the "BRAVE" theme in my life what that would mean. It meant walking through a health situation with my husband. It meant resigning from a job I loved and that provided stability for me. Being brave meant embracing the realities of homeschool, of launching a daughter off to college ( in just a few short weeks) and of overcoming my addiction to food and purposing to live a life of health and moderation. Being brave meant driving down to Los Angeles last week and meeting my biological brother for the first time. Brave meant trusting The Lord to provide for our needs with a diminished income due to my resigning. It meant being obedient when The Lord dropped The Clean Queen business idea into my life, and being brave meant pursuing that all out even though it scared me. Brave means facing a new normal with my sweet grandmother as she encountered a slight bump in her 97 years here on the earth. Being brave means welcoming restoration and choosing love to obtain freedom from the bondage of the past.
Through it all, I've learned that being brave does not mean that I'm not afraid. It doesn't mean that I don't get overwhelmed. It doesn't mean that I don't need support and encouragement. Being brave doesn't mean loneliness and isolation. What is does mean is that I choose faith over fear and trust in God. It means in my moments when I'm overwhelmed I get my praise on, and begin singing and proclaiming the goodness of my God. Being brave means admitting I need help, that I cannot do it alone. Bravery is sometimes surrender. Raising the white flag and arms raised, giving it all up. Bravery looks different to different people. Some see bravery as victory only. Sometimes, bravery is getting up after defeat and pressing on.
I can only imagine the other areas of my life that God is going to teach me bravery this year. Life shifts instantly. We are a vapor. Here and then gone. So I will not assume I know what is next. But this I do know. He has made me Brave. (Bethel Music Album) He has called me out upon the water, the great unknown, where feet may fail (Oceans- Hillsong) I'm holding onto hope, I'm holding onto grace, I'm fully letting go, I surrender to Your grace (Anchor- Bethel Music) And I know that You are for me, I know that You are for me, I know that you will never forsake me in my weakness (Kari Jobe)
Thank you Jesus for loving me too much to leave me like I am. Thank You for restoration, for healing, for provision, and for promise. Thank You for never leaving me, and for always working for my good. Teach me to brave Jesus. I trust in You, in Your goodness, and in Your mercy. You hold my life and ever moment. May every word I say and every moment bring glory to the Name above all names.
I love You Lord. I worship You. You are our God, You alone are good. (Hillsong United)
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