“I called to the Lord, who is worthy of praise and I have been saved” Psalm 18:3
Here at the altar of broken things
I've finally throwing down this mirror of me
When I've done all I can do
And there's nothing left to prove
I just need You
I'm totally completely dependent upon You
I'm totally completely dependent upon You
Surrender. It’s a beautiful and often heartbreaking thing.
Surrender can be a soldier surrendering to an enemy under a white flag. Surrender can be a forced thing, when there is no other option but to give in. Surrender can be a gift. It can be something lovingly laid down, a surrender of will and self. Often, surrender happens on an altar of pain. Isn’t it comforting to know that God specializes in sacrifices and altars. He is faithful to consume the sacrifice of surrender. He is constant and able to take what is surrendered… whether it be a dream, a heartbreak, a marriage, a child… and consume it and make it worth something eternally. No false god has the capacity or ability to do that. No other god will take what you offer and make it into something more. Only the ONE TRUE GOD will do that. Other gods, other idols, are consumers. They will consume and devour until there is nothing left. These gods leave you depleted, empty, aching. Only God with a capital G will take what you offer, consume it with His mighty fire of refinement and glory… and will multiply your sacrifice. He will restore and pour it out until your arms, heart, and soul are full. Not just full, but overflowing. Surrender will look like many things to many people. Perhaps surrender will even mean many different things within your lifetime. There is a beauty in the knowledge that our God sees and receives and KNOWS, intimately, our surrender and sacrifice. He understands it more than most for He has surrendered the Ultimate. His Dream, His Son, our Hope.
Surrender for me has already been represented by many aspects of my life. It has been as I call out to Him, as the psalmist so eloquently puts it. I acknowledge that I am unable to save myself. I’ve surrendered the broken pieces of my heart and soul on the altar. Throughout my life, I have seen the faithfulness of a God that POURS IN and MULTIPLIES. A God that is honored, not burdened, by our dependence upon Him. A God that creates beauty out of ashes. My God, One that desires a personal relationship with Him. A relationship where He receives what I give, whether it is praise or brokenness, a God that pours out His Spirit into me. Truly, He is amazing. That an altar of pain can become one of unparalleled blessing and beauty.
Thank you God, for Your faithfulness, for turning my pain into purpose, and for consuming the things I surrender to You, and restoring my soul. You are my everything.
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